3 Ps of Life


Life is full of surprises and we can live our lives with either ‘Apprehension’ or ‘Anticipation’. Apprehension leads to fear, distress, doubt, anxiety and even depression and on the other hand, anticipation leads to excitement, expansion, expression, belief and enthusiasm. Well, it takes knowledge and wisdom to anticipate and anyone can gain it with the practice of 3 Ps of life.

1 – Persistence

As the word says, persistence can make things happen, it is one such force on earth that can make even water cut the rock. Persistence helped builds spaceships, took a failure towards success and help made Thomas Edison build a light bulb too. Persistence of continuing the same activity also build habits and habits are all that we are made of. It is wise to decide on an activity or a goal to work on and then keep persistently working on it. The plan may change but success comes to those who don’t change their destination and keep moving persistently, bit by bit and day by day.

2 – Patience

Great things come out of patience. God has a unique way of gifting fruits to those who have patience. It takes patience to wait for the crop to develop, it takes patience to build a habit and it takes patience to build a character. Although, patience doesn’t mean, keep waiting for something you wish to happen without putting your effort into it. It simply means, while trying, be patient to embrace the results. It is only human to be impatient but faith in God will help all of us to be patient.

3 – Positivity

Life means ‘Growth’ and, of course, we are talking about a positive growth. See around you, we are all surrounded by mostly a negative environment. It is a lifelong struggle to remain positive. Life is a uphill task and negativity only drags us down. Ever wondered how we dread to loose a negative place or a person at the very first instance we get a chance and on the other hand we get drifted towards the positive person or a place. This is the reason we often visit religious places to find some positive energy (life promoting energy). All this suggests us to remain positive or have a positive mental attitude in our lives so as to become one of the life promoting factors with whom everyone wants to associate and grow with.

  • Gurdeep Singh